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Health Benefits of Aromatherapy

Health Benefits of Aromatherapy

The sense of smell is one of the strongest and most powerful senses you can have. People with amnesia have experienced the return of lost memories based on things they have smelled. Science has proven that smell can also impact other areas of your health in very positive ways.

Reduces Stress Hormones and Lose Weight

A major stress hormone produced by the body is cortisol. When you are under extreme stress, cortisol pumps into your bloodstream to prepare you for a response to the stress. If you do not respond to the stress and release it to relax your body uses cortisol to create and store more fat.

People with a lot of stress tend to have more issues losing weight. Aromatherapy can reduce stress, thereby reducing the production of cortisol and placing you in a relaxed state. Chamomile is great for reducing stress, whether you smell it or drink it as an herbal tea.

Have Deeper and More Relaxing Sleep

Aromatherapy helps you relax into a deeper state of full body relaxation. Your sleep improves, often dramatically. When your sleep improves and you are able to reach that deep and truly relaxed state, your body can repair internal damage. Your body’s cells are healthier when you can get that really deep and relaxed sleep your body needs. Try incorporating lavender for better sleep and eucalyptus to clear your sinuses, which can become clogged when you are lying horizontally.

Other Aromatherapy Scents and What They Do

There are many different scents that can positively impact your health and mood. Try ginger if you are feeling nauseous, lemon to increase feelings of happiness and boost concentration, and peppermint to boost alertness and reduce headaches. If there is another physical or emotional symptom you would like to address, ask an expert in aromatherapy to help you choose the right scent.